================================================================================ | Q U A K E I I I A R E N A M O D I F I C A T I O N .- | -. -___ | ___- ||| Q 3 k n o c k O u t ||| | by Dr. Jones Bones -------------- ------------ -------- ------ ---- -- - -([ THE MODIFICATION ])-- Q3knockOut changes your Quake experience in a very unique way: Scoring is not done by directly hit and kill your enemy, but by pushing him out of the area into the void or other deadly spots in a map like lava and such. Therefor you get weapons from the start to frag your opponents. This is done by pushing them with your weapons projectile. A direct hit with one of your weapons won't hurt your enemy but the knockback of these will push your enemy away. You use the knockback effects to knock them into the deadly spots of a map. Every weapon has its own effect so you have to decide what weapon is best in a situation to effectively knock your opponent out. Q3knockOut comes with new weapon and item behaviours, a very fast gameplay, new ways for cool jumps and moves. To refill your weapons you will have to pick up ammo. To improve your abilities you collect powerups placed in a map. These provide the improvements you might already know from standard deathmatch. A very special pickup item is an additional weapon, which you won't get from the start: the BFG. This weapon provides only one but very powerfull shot. As maps you should only use very open ones like the space maps. Close maps which have no areas to fall off are not playable with Q3knockOut. All standard gametypes are supported: Deathmatch, Team- Deathmatch, Tournament and Capture The Flag. For cool sniping games Q3knockOut has also an instagib- kinda sniper gamemode, where you only have the Railgun to snipe your opponents, knocking them through a map right into the void with an instant kill when touching the (so called) skybox of a map. To make sniping to Internet play available, Q3knockOut features Unlagged 2.01 by Neil Toronto. Q3knockOut is a server side only modification. After starting your server with this modification everyone can connect and join your game of Q3knockOut! - - - - - G A M E T Y P E S - - - - - Q3knockOut provides a standard mode with different weapons, ammo and items to pick up - the so called AW-Mode (All Weapons). In this mode the default speed of Quake III is encreased by 1/4 to improve the gameplay. As alternative Q3knockOut has an Instagib mode. With this gametype you have only the railgun with unlimited ammo. In this gametype the default speed of Quake III is used to ease the sniping a little. If Instagib is running on a server you will see by the server rule "instagib" (see below for the settings of this rule) and by the welcome text which will include "I N + T A G I B". - - - - - W E A P O N S - - - - - You as a player always get four weapons from the start: The Rocket Launcher, the Grenade Launcher, the Railgun and the Plasma Gun. The fifth weapon is the BFG, which is the most powerfull weapon and has to be picked up. The other weapons beside the BFG can only be collected when dropped by a fragged player. You get some ammo units when you do so. To gain your ammo more efficiently you have to collect ammo pakets placed all over a level. Here now a description of the weapons in detail: The ROCKET LAUNCHER is the default weapon after beeing placed in a map. This weapon is most effective in direct fights with one or two other enemies. The splash radius of the rockets is medium sized and is mostly usefull to knock players over little heights or barricades. With a direct hit the rockets have the same effect on your enemy like a railgun would have. The Rocket Launcher can also be used to move through a map. When pointing at your feet a shot will push you into the air for a high jump. The GRENADE LAUNCHER is used to float an area far away with explosives or shoot the grenades from a save position into an area where one or more enemies stay. Grenades are launched very fast and with a high velocity. The splash radius is medium sized but the explosions have a strong knockback effect. The RAILGUN provides only a little splash knockback but is higly effective with a direct hit. It pushes a player right through a map into the void. The PLASMA GUN shoots plasma projectiles rapidly. The projectiles have a lesser knockback effect. But they are able to push a player into the void when standing right on an edge or distract them while a jump so their path won't let them land on a platform but fall down into the void. There is no escape from the BFG! This is the only weapon that has to be picked up from the map. After that you have only one shot so do think about when and where to use this powerfull weapon. It releases five projectiles with a very high velocity with a medium sized spread. The projectiles have a big splash radius and very strong knockback effect so all enemies near and at the impact area will be pushed away very hard. Because of the knockback effect the projectiles should impact far away from you otherwise you will be mostly pushed away into the void also. After beeing picked up a new BFG will be provided at the same spot after 60 secs. But if the owner of the picked BFG was fragged before he used the weapon, it is placed immediatly back at its spot. You as the player can recordnize the respawn of a BFG by a gong sound which is heard overall a level. - - - - - I T E M S - - - - - The QUAD DAMAGE powerup improves the knockback effects of your weapons. While having this powerup active your weapons are most dangerous for others. With the BATTLE SUIT you won't get hurt when pushed into normally deadly spots like lava. It also saves you from falling damage. If you fall into the void or beeing crushed the battlesuit will teleport you to another save place. HASTE will speed your moves up. Your weapons will shoot with a faster fire rate. The FLIGHT POWERUP lets you fly through a map to get better spots to shoot at your opponents. But be always aware of snipers! INVISIBILITY makes it easier for you to get near your opponents to shoot more accuratly at them. They won't see you that easily. The TELEPORTER is best used to escape the death when falling into the void. - - - - - M E N U E S - - - - - Q3knockOut brings new menu options: * Main "Instant Server" This option immediately starts a Q3knockOut server with a map rotation for six players in the mode Free For All. The server is Internet dedicated, pure and with enabled Punkbuster. If you have a config file named "q3ko_customserver.cfg" in the "q3knockout" folder, this script file will be run instead of the default one. So you can customize anytime the server config you want to run with this option (and your script file wont be overwritten in case of updates for this mod). To see how your config file should look like, use the script file "q3ko_instantserver.cfg" located in the "q3knockout" folder. * Game Server This configuration screen for a new server contains now the Q3knockOut specific settings (and some more of the standard settings): "Instagib" - Enables/Disables Instagib on your server "Challenge Mode" - Enables/Disables the Challenge Mode "Bot Autoskill" - Enables/Disables the automatic skill adjustment of bots during a game. "Unlagged" - Enables/Disables server side ping lag compensation "Voting" - Enables/Disables the player vote option (like maps) "MOTD" - Message Of The Day (shown when the player connects) -------------- ------------ -------- ------ ---- -- - - - ([ HOW TO INSTALL ])-- * First of all: You need the installed Patch 1.32! * Extract the ZIP-File contents with full pathnames into your Quake 3 basefolder - like "C:\Q3A". After that you should have a folder named "Q3knockOut" and a batch file named RUNKO.BAT (and this readme). -------------- ------------ -------- ------ ---- -- - - - - - ([ HOW TO RUN ])-- * There are three ways to run this modification: 1. Start Quake 3 Arena as usual and activate the modification via the MOD menu. The entry is called "Q3knockOut n.n.n", where "n.n.n" is the current version of this modification. 2. Run Quake 3 Arena from the command prompt by typing: "quake3 +set fs_game Q3knockOut" 3. ...or just by the installed batch file: "runko" -------------- ------------ -------- ------ ---- ([ SERVER SETUP VARIABLES ])-- - Cfg-Var: instagib Values: "1" / "0" Default: "0" Votable: Yes Server-Info: Yes Turns on/off Instagib mode (railgun only, enhanced rail jump). "1" - Instagib on "0" - Instagib off A change of this setting on a running server will get active after starting the next map or restart the current one (command "map_restart"). - Cfg-Var: unlagged Values: "1" / "0" Default: "1" Votable: Yes Server-Info: Yes Turns on/off unlagged mode. "1" - Unlagged on "0" - Unlagged off Changing this setting will immediately turn on/off serverside ping lag compensation. See http://www.planetquake.com/alternatefire/unlagged_faq.html for more information about this. - Cfg-Var: g_truePing Values: "1" / "0" Default: "1" Votable: No Server-Info: No Turns on/off true ping computing. "1" - True-Ping on "0" - True-Ping off When enabled the players will see their actual ping, since the original ping computing has some flaws. See http://www.planetquake.com/alternatefire/unlagged_faq.html for more information about this. - Cfg-Var: challengeMode Values: "1" / "0" Default: "0" Votable: No Server-Info: No Turns on/off challenge gameplay mode. "1" - Challenge gameplay on "0" - Challenge gameplay off When enabled, no pickups, powerups and the BFG gun are spawned. Usefull for tournaments where pure aiming skill is everything. - Cfg-Var: mod_botskill Values: "", "0" ... "5" Votable: No Server-Info: No Sets the skill level of randomly added bots (see bot_minplayers). Allows the setting of bot skills during the run of a server. "" - If empty, the value of g_spskill is used. "0" ... "5" - Bot skill level. - Cfg-Var: mod_dynamicskill Values: "1" / "0" Votable: No Server-Info: Yes Adjusts the bot skill automatically during the game according to the skill of the active players. "1" - Dynamic bot skill on "0" - Dynamic bot skill off -------------- ------------ -------- ------ ---- ([ CLIENT SETUP VARIABLES ])-- - Cfg-Var: handicap Values: "0" ... "100" Default: "100" This value controls the players handicap. It is used to have a more balanced gameplay between skilled and not so skilled players. All-Weapons: The lower the handicap value the lesser the knockback effects of the weapons are. Does have no effect on rocket jumps! Instagib: The lower the handicap the longer the delay between each rail shot (handicap 1 equals a 6 secs delay). Does have no effect on rail jump. -------------- ------------ -------- ------ ---- -- - - - - - - ([ HISTORY ])-- ____ \ 02.04.2016 >> Version 1.5.0-beta \ \ * Gameplay: All CTF maps are available for FFA/1v1 gamemodes * Gameplay: CTF maps are converted for FFA/1v1 gamemodes to provide more spawn points. * Gameplay: Dropped items stay in map for 3 minutes * Gameplay: BFG strength encreased * Gameplay: (Instagib) Railgun direct hit knockback encreased. * User Interface: Now 8 instead only 4 maps at once visible User Interface: Map buffer encreased to show more maps from baseq3. ____ \ 15.11.2014 >> Version 1.5.0-beta \ \ * Bot AI: Dynamic bot skill - bots change their skill during a game automatically according to the skill of the active players. Enabled via variable: mod_dynamicskill "1" * User Interface: Dynamic bot skill setting. * User Interface: Single player option goes directly to skirmish menu, so tier based single player is skipped. * Gameplay: Grenades are more sticky where they hit the ground for more accurate placement. * Gameplay: Quad pickup by a player is globally announced. * Gameplay: Teleport collectable is enabled in Instagib. * Gameplay: In Instagib railgun is replaced by flight powerup. ____ \ 26.07.2009 >> Version 1.4.0 \ \ * Bot AI: Bots use weapons more wisely now, selecting the best weapon for each situation (bot skill, player distance, active powerups). * Bot AI: The variable "mod_botskill" sets the skill of randomly added bots (overrides g_spskill). If empty, g_spskill is used. * Scoring: A player cannot "steal" a point by suiciding himself after an opponent hit. * Scoring: A player cannot (accidently) take a point from his opponent away by knockbacking himself after a hit. * Gameplay: Plasma and rockets move faster. * Gameplay: All Weapons gameplay is more balanced toward rocket- launcher and not the railgun (less ammo for railgun, more ammo for rocket launcher). * Gameplay: A player cannot hold more BFGs than two at a time. * Scoreboard: Spectators are automatically ready. ____ \ 26.11.2005 >> Version 1.3.0 \ \ * New main menu with mod logo * Main menu option "Instant Server" immediately runs an Internet dedicated server for six players in FFA mode (pure with Punktbuster enabled) * If existing the "Instant Server" option runs the script file "q3ko_customserver.cfg" instead of the default one. * Music background for menus * Q3knockOut configurable via "Game Server" config screen * MOTD and Voting now configurable via "Game Server" config screen * Players react now on missile impact and knockback by pain sound ____ \ 22.08.2005 >> Version 1.2.0 (as Q3knockOut) \ \ * No falling damage * cvar "mod_instagib" is "instagib" now. * g_speed, unlagged and instagib votable * handicap is supported in Instagib mode now: Lesser handicap value increases shot pause (handicap 1 equals 6 secs pause). * features Unlagged 2.01 by Neil Toronto * cvar unlagged 0|1 - enables/disables unlagging, per default it's on * cvar g_truePing 0|1 - enables/disables true ping computing, per default it's on * cvar challengeMode: when "1", no pickups, powerups and BFG is spawned. * Instagib - Railgun tweaking: More splash damage * BFG tweaking: lesser spread radius for better aiming * No battlesuit in Instagib-mode * Soundeffect for Last-Frag and Scoreboard appearing * Battlesuit respawns instead of mega-health * Fixed: Battlesuit respawning on falling into the void * Impressive-Awards are not supported in Instagib mode * While welcome screen on first spawn the player is locked and cannot be shot by others. Player enters with a taunt. * Bots select different weapons than their usual favourite each time they spawn into the map. * sv_pure is serverinfo now ____ \ 09.03.2003 >> Version 1.1.0 (as Q3PiNBALL) \ \ * Rocket Launcher ammo is spawned back at its usual places. * Rockets have more splash radius but less power - the gameplay makes more fun and is more balanced now. * Every respawned BFG is announced by a level wide gong sound. * When a player is fragged with an unused BFG, the weapon is immediatly respawned. * Since the BFG is not dropped if the player was fragged, the Rocket Launcher is dropped instead. * Usable items (like Teleporter) are also dropped now on a frag. * The items of a player are dropped at the last attacking spot, not the place he was actually fragged (most times this was the void and so the items were lost). * Every collected weapon which was dropped brings one ammo unit. With exception of the Plasma Gun, which brings 10 ammo units. * A welcome message is played when joining a game for the first time. ____ \ 24.02.2003 >> Version 1.0.1 (as Q3PiNBALL) \ \ * Bugfix: Scoreboard music does not stay active if a map without ingame-music is restarted. ____ \ 21.02.2003 >> Version 1.0.0 (as Q3PiNBALL) \ \ * First release -------------- ------------ -------- ------ ---- -- - - - - - - ([ CONTACT ])-- Well, I hope you like this little modification. If you have suggestions or a bug to report, please don't hesitate to contact me via this email address: salinga@web.de The newest version can be downloaded from this homepage: http://www.Q3knockOut.de.vu If you own a copy of the game "Voyager - Elite Force" you can get a version of Q3knockOut for that game here: http://www.ef-pinball.de.vu ================================================================================